Join our comprehensive 8-hour Contractor Training - CONCRETE 201 Intermediate Concrete Construction
As an employer in the concrete construction industry, you know the importance of having a skilled, safety-conscious workforce. This is an intermediate-level course for field staff, project managers, estimators and engineers looking to deepen their knowledge in concrete construction.
The MCA Contractor Training—Concrete 102 course is designed to:
Equip your team members with the advanced skills and knowledge they need to take their concrete projects to the next level. The MCA Concrete 201 training course is an intensive 8-hour program designed specifically for field leaders, project managers, estimators, and engineers. This course offers a deep dive into the technical, safety, and project management aspects of concrete work, bridging the gap between foundational knowledge and expert application on complex job sites.
Concrete 201 covers vital topics, including advanced safety protocols, pour planning, jobsite documentation, and effective communication with ready-mix producers. Participants will also gain expertise in QA/QC practices, concrete testing, and troubleshooting common issues.
Invest in your team and provide them with the tools they need to excel in managing the complexities of your concrete projects.
Sign up your employees for Concrete 201 TODAY!.
If you have questions please contact our office at 800.678.9622/517.347.7720.
TIME: 8:30am - 4:30pm (lunch included)
LOCATION: MITA BUILDING (2937 Atrium Drive, Okemos, MI 48864)
Concrete 201 – Field Leaders/Project Managers/Estimators/Engineers (8 hours)
Brief refresher on Concrete Basics
Water/Cement Ratio
Safety from a management perspective
Dark/night/early morning pours
What to do in case of an incident – file reports so that workers comp claims can be filed, even if they might not be needed
Setting up a successful pour
Specifications – including ACI, ASTM, FAA, DoD, MDOT, etc.
MDOT, paving: difference between Misc and mainline paving
Interior floors: Ff and Fl numbers
Plan reading
Pour Checklists
Pre Pour Meetings
Calculating concrete quantities, and checking yield during pour – including financial implications of overruns
Jobsite communication and conflict resolution
Documentation – best practices, focus on documenting jobsite changes, etc.
Ordering Concrete & Working with a Ready Mix Producer
Communication – checking first load
Batch Tickets, Mix IDs, and what is printed on a batch ticket
How to read a batch ticket
Dry weights listed on JMF
SSD weights listed on batch tickets Moisture Ladder.
Production Rates – matching concrete delivery rates to construction rate, and example problems
What is QA and what is QC?
What is included in a QC Plan?
How do I read one?
What are the most important things to be looking for?
Early breaks / opening to traffic specimens
Concrete Mixes
Water/Cement Ratio & it’s importance
Water Cement Ratio Example problems
Types of mixes for different projects and times of year.
Admixtures, supplemental cements, fibers, etc.
What are they and how do they affect mixes?
Mix Submittals & time of year
Making adjustments
Concrete Testing – especially initial field storage of test cylinders
Slump, Density, Air & Strength How and what warrants a rejection compare to a retest frequency and what to do about a failure of a plastic test
Jointing, Joint Layout, and Saw Cutting Best Practices
Proper joint layout
Timing of relief cuts (initial control joints with wet or dry early entry saws)
Example problems standard, with diamonds, manholes, structures, Expansion Paper
Protecting Your Work & Surroundings (liability associated with damage during initial set/cure)
Curing, Weather & Conditions
Evaporation Rates
Hot Weather
Cold weather
Troubleshooting Concrete
Most common distresses and how to avoid/fix them
Will cover as many as we have time to!
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