Decorative Concrete Certification

Certification Dates (sEE bELOW)



Course Overview

The decorative concrete seminar and certification program is tailored for the concrete professional looking for hands-on training and market information that will diversify their current concrete offerings. Two full days of application instruction mixed with business essential topics including costing, pricing, and promotion will provide the tools necessary for individuals or companies interested in entering the decorative concrete market. Attendees will be enlightened to the growth potential of this lucrative market. Contractors already offering decorative options will learn additional techniques and methods to improve their finished product and their companies’ bottom line. Seating is limited. 


The written exam consists of 50 questions of various form (e.g. true/ false, multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, etc.) Questions are based on the fundamentals taught in the course. Students have 60 minutes to complete the exam with a minimum score of 80% required to pass.  

Participants passing the written exam will receive a certificate of completion in Decorative Concrete.  

Participants passing the written examination will receive the Decorative Concrete certification if they have previously passed the ACI Flatwork Finisher certification. 


The course includes the following topics:

Stamped process and methods | Micro/thin finish overlays | Tool overview | Proper site layout | Timing & finishing options | Coloring integral vs. hardeners | Releases - powder vs. liquid | Detailing procedures | Hints, tricks and traps | Stains & dyes 

Training is hands on so it is recommended that you wear clothing that is suitable for finishing concrete.